Listen to the Teaching of Your Soul❣️Soulful GiraffeJan 20, 20201 min readListen to the Teaching of Your Soul❣️''I've been a seeker and I still am,but I stopped asking the books and the stars.I started listening tothe teaching of my Soul.''~ Rumi~ #soulfulgiraffe #gordanastankovic #rumi #rumiquotes #rumipoetry #inspiration #insprationalquotes #Mondayinspiration #Soul #spirituality
Listen to the Teaching of Your Soul❣️''I've been a seeker and I still am,but I stopped asking the books and the stars.I started listening tothe teaching of my Soul.''~ Rumi~ #soulfulgiraffe #gordanastankovic #rumi #rumiquotes #rumipoetry #inspiration #insprationalquotes #Mondayinspiration #Soul #spirituality